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  • Outplacement Services

Customized Outplacement Service for companies

Our Outplacement program is a comprehensive support service for voluntary or involuntary (potential) retirees. It helps them mitigate the psychological impact of leaving their job, and plan for the next stage of their career. Our services include helping program participants establish and achieve their career goals whether it be re-employment or entrepreneurship.

The Benefits

The Outplacement Support Program provides practical help to (potential) retirees so that they can achieve their new career goals. It also helps employers develop organizational management and operations from a broader perspective. The Outplacement Support Program encourages incumbent employees to recognize their organization’s appreciation of and support offered to retirees. This contributes to strengthened employee-employer trust, emotional support and reassurance.

How it works

Retirees (including potential retirees) are provided with various services including tailored training, individual consulting, workspace rental, and admin support. This helps them establish their career goals, achieve those goals, and plan for a fulfilling next chapter of their lives.

A distinct difference of our programs is that specialized consultants in various fields provide step-by-step assistance throughout the entire outplacement process, depending on the participant’s career goals including re-employment and entrepreneurship.

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